Chaplaincy Certificate
Course Description
The Faculty of Chaplain Studies was designed to train Chaplains. A chaplain is essentially a spiritual representative attached to a secular institution. Chaplains may or may not be certified, have a theological education, or be ordained or commissioned by a particular denomination, though many are.
Chaplains serve the spiritual and emotional needs of others. Some chaplains perform wedding or funeral ceremonies, administer communion, deliver spiritual messages, offer prayer at public meetings, and provide advice and comforting words when needed.
Other chaplains meet the need of the moment, usually through listening and prayer. This course is designed to teach the Minister of the Christian faith how to fulfil the role of a chaplain in today’s society.
Course Outline
Sunday School Teacher Certificate
Course Description
Sunday School Teachers are responsible for molding and shaping the minds of God’s people. This course is designed to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective teaching of the Word of God in a classroom setting.
Course Outline
The Design and Purpose of Teaching; Public Speaking; Overcoming Fear; Be-Attitudes; Classroom Discipline; Connecting With Students; A Good Teacher; Becoming a Better Teacher; Teaching in a Classroom Setting; The Art and Science of Teaching; Developing a Lesson; The use of Visual Aids and Creative Bible Study Methods.
Usher Ministry Certificate
Course Description
Ushers are the “gate-keepers” of the church. They are the first people that one meet as they enter the sanctuary. At the completion of this course the student will gain a working knowledge of how to perform the job of an Usher with excellence.
Course Outline
Why Ushers Are Important; The Functions of an Usher; Seating the People; Collecting the Offering; An Usher’s Standard of Excellence; The Ushers as Greeters.
Leadership Certificate
Course Description
To be a leader you don’t have to be an elected official or a CEO. A leader is someone whom others consistently want to follow for new trends and ideas. In this course you will learn how to identify leaders, become a leader and flow in your leadership style.
Course Outline
How to Be a Leader; How to Find Your Leadership Style; How to Develop Leadership Qualities; How to prove You Have Leadership Qualities; How to Improve Leadership Quality; How to Cope With Criticism as a Leader; How to Become a Good Leader.
Spiritual Gifts Certificate
Course Description
All the parts of the human body are different, but each have a part to play in the functioning of the whole body. In the same way all the members of the Body of Christ have different talents and each has a part to play in the functioning of the entire body.
Course Outline
The Church – The Body of Christ; Diversity in the Body of Christ – different roles; Unity in the Body of Christ – all working together; What are spiritual gifts?; Spiritual Gifts – detail description; How to use spiritual gifts; Ministry jobs based on spiritual gifting.
Evangelism Certificate
Course Description
In the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20, He tells us to go into the world, preach the Gospel and make disciples. Evangelism is everybody’s business. This course is designed to teach the student how to win the lost for Christ.
Course Outline
The Great Commission Examined; The Message of the Gospel; The Program for Outreach; Compassion in Evangelism; Support Groups; Prayer and Evangelism; How to Lead a Soul to Christ.
Discipleship Certificate
Course Description
This course is designed to equip the student with Biblical foundational skills necessary to grow as a disciple in Christ and to disciple others. It is an in-depth study of how Jesus made disciples using a simple and profound plan with twelve ordinary men.
Course Outline
Answering the Call to Discipleship; The Cost of Discipleship; Reasons for Discipleship; Biblical Approaches to Effective Disciple-Making; The Evangelism Factor in Making Disciples; Discipleship in Action; Disciples Making Disciples Through Small Groups.
Local Church Administration Certificate
Course Description
Before you begin to administrate you must first have three things in place – a vision, a government and an organizational structure. This course is designed to teach you how to set up the framework on which the vision and goals of your organization will be built.
Course Outline
Forms of Government; Government of the Church; Qualifications for Leadership; Organizational Structure; Administration; Hiring Staff; Budgeting; Tithing; Church Job Descriptions; Church Insurance; Leadership Skills; Administrative Skills; Human Resources Management; Performance Appraisals; Personnel Records and Statistics.
Dealing with Difficult People Certificate
Course Description
Difficult people are everywhere. Perhaps you can be difficult. Many people go through periods where they don’t act their best. This course will teach you how to develop coping and negotiating strategies for dealing with difficult people.
Course Outline
Understanding Yourself; Understanding Others; Dealing With Difficult People; Dealing With Impossible People; How to Apologize; How to Accept and Embrace Disagreement; How to Manage Conflict.
Stress and Work Life Balance Certificate
Course Description
In today’s world it is virtually impossible to avoid stress. In desperation, people are seeking stress relief through any remedy at their disposal. This course will help you identify the common signs of stress, how to cope with it to bring normalcy to one’s life.
Course Outline
What The Bible Says About Stress; What is Stress?; Common Signs of Stress’ Coping Skills Strategy; Assertion as an Antidote to Stress; Work and Life Balance; Cognitive Skills.
Bishop Certificate Course
Program Overview
The Bishops Certification Program is designed for Ordained Ministers who are Senior Pastors of a congregation of 50 or more people. The program includes a theoretical component that covers leadership skills, communication skills, management and administration, and navigating government rules and regulations. The practical component covers the management of people and projects.
Program Objective
At the completion of this program students shall have a comprehensive working knowledge of the administrative functions of a Bishop.
- Guide To Good Governance of None-Profit and Charitable Organizations – Second Edition by Ann Corbett and James MacKay
- Bishops Training Manual – Biblical Module by CCM
- Bishops Training Manual – Administrative Module by CCM
- Bishops Training Manual – People Management Module by CCM
How the Program will be Administered
The program will be administered by both correspondence and online classroom sessions.
By Correspondence: Students will complete assignments at home
- Complete the assignment for the governance module – “Guide To Good Governance of None-Profit and Charitable Organizations”.
- Complete the exercise at the end of each chapter of the Biblical Module.
By Online Classroom Sessions: There will be two classroom sessions (one mid-way through the program and the other at the end of the program)
- First classroom session - Discussion on the “Administrative Module”. Please read the entire book before attending.
- Second Classroom session – Discussion on the “People Management Module”. Please read the entire book before attending.
Certificate and Ordination
Students successfully completing the program will be issued a Bishop’s Certificate and be officially ordained as Bishops with Canadian Christian Ministries.
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